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Distance Learning System
Instructional Media
Educational Services
Examinations and Evaluation of Studies
Instructional Media

Main Media

Print-based Approach
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • Study guides (graduate courses)
Computer-based Approach
  • Online Learning Management System
  • CD-ROM for students without reliable internet access
  • Print-based
  • For print-based courses, textbooks and workbooks are mailed to students along with other course documents. Supplementary audiovisual materials may be included as well. For maximum accessibility, most STOU programs are print-based, but they still make use of the full array of supplementary media listed below.
  • Computer-based
  • Though STOU has been involved with implementing e-learning (the use of computers in education) since 1985, it wasn’t until the STOU Plan 2000 was adopted that the university outlined a clear plan for delivering the main content of study programs via e-learning. 2005 marked the first large-scale online learning project at STOU. ATutor was chosen as the Learning Management System (LMS). In 2009, D4L was introduced as another LMS option. STOU currently uses the D4L+P or Moodle platforms.

Supplementary Media

  • Radio
  • For general, core and some specific courses, the university produces radio programs that aid students in studying the course content. Fifteen 20-minute programs are provided for each of these courses. Students can listen by radio or online according to broadcast schedules that are sent to them ahead of time.
  • Television
  • STOU also produces television programs for general, core and some specific courses. Each of these courses is provided with four 30-minute programs, and broadcast schedules are sent to students each term. The programs can be seen on various television channels throughout the country, as well as through the STOU website. In addition, the university has its own 24-hour C-band satellite TV station, STOU Channel. This provides another option for accessing regular or supplementary programming, and as it can be watched by anyone, it is a way of providing academic service to the general public.
  • Media on Demand
  • After television and radio programs have already been broadcast, they are archived on the “Media on Demand” section of the STOU website and accessible at any time to students or the general public.
  • Course DVD
  • For any course that seeks to augment students’ understanding of content covered in the course textbook with video, a DVD with four 30-minute videos is also sent to students.
  • Course Audio CD
  • CDs with MP3 files supplement or summarize the content presented in the printed learning materials.
  • Course Multimedia
  • Computer-aided instruction through multimedia CDs also helps to supplement course content by highlighting important topics and providing examples to further illustrate the concepts.
  • e-Learning
  • Teaching and learning through the internet are important components of all master’s level programs and selected programs at the bachelor’s level. STOU’s e-learning platform enables greater interaction between students and professors, communication of course information and management of course activities.
  • m-Learning
  • STOU has also optimized audiovisual media for use with smartphones and mobile devices, providing another study option learners in our increasingly mobile society.
  • e-Tutorials
  • STOU’s regular tutorials are conducted face-to-face with groups of students in every province of the country. This involves significant travel by instructors and students which can be time-consuming and expensive. E-tutorials allow the same interaction, special instruction and personal attention in a more convenient format. Currently, e-tutorials are a required part of master’s level programs.

Last updated : 09-Nov-2012 11:48 AM
© 2002-2012 Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. All rights reserved.
Comments & Suggestions Email: if.proffice@stou.ac.th